Saturday, July 31, 2010

Urban Flower Child?

What does it mean to be an Urban Flower Child?

It means being the wildflowers that grow along the streets. It means being the vines that creep up the skyscrapers. It means being the weeds that crack the sidewalk. The Urban Flower Child is the constant reminder to the busy world that surrounds her that life should be taken as a breeze. Like the wildflowers, vines, and weeds the Urban Flower Child is a symbol of Earth’s natural beauty. The pavement may close us in. The brick buildings may push us up and the concrete sidewalks may try to cover us, but we live. We break through and live our free spirited lives against the obstacles that try to obscure us.

Sometimes people don't want the wildflowers, vines, and weeds. Some people want to pave over the wildflowers. Some want to cut down the vines. Some people want to kill the weeds. Some people just don’t want to be reminded of the connection we have to nature; and ultimately to earth. Some people would rather be encased in their man made heaven when the wonders of Earth are right outside waiting for them. It’s the job of the Urban Flower Child to remind others.

I named this blog Urban Flower Child, because I want this space to act as the wildflowers, vines, and weeds. I want this space to remind others of the beauty and simplicity of life. But, I also want to remind others of the beauty of nature, I want to uproot sidewalks with discussions on current events, and line buildings with talks of music and fashion. As a broke college student, I strive to make the most of my life on the simplest of terms. My happiness is never complicated. I’m an Urban Flower Child.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Who I am:

• I’m an urban flower child mixed with a little neo-soul and a lot of hippie who wishes she was born in the 70s.

• I’m a vegetarian student with a mug of tea in one hand and toasted pita bread in the other.

• I tend to rant, rave, and ramble.

• I’m the daughter of a hippie turned psychologist. Have you heard the stories about the children of psychologist… I promise I didn’t turn out too bad

• I have a afro and I’m lovin’ it

• I’m a broke junior in college who loves organic food. Why the hell is organic food expensive?

• I’m a young woman who wants to travel the world by backpack. You can find me in Senegal, or maybe Papua New Guinea, or maybe Moldova. Stay tuned to find out.

• I suffer from a Peter-Pan complex

• I love to read anything by Octavia Butler

• I’m a wannabe shovel bum

• I want to be an Orange Moon- Erykah Badu reference…sorry had to do it.

• I’m an urban flower child traveling at a slow pace trying to find her place in a world that moves too fast.

What I write about:

I write about what I love. I write about what I hate. I write about what inspires me.

• Food

o I’m a vegetarian trying to become a vegan who dreams of becoming a raw foodist who loves anything with sweet potatoes.

• Love

o Currently conducting anthropological research on the topic. As of right now no conclusive conclusions have been drawn…

• Earth

o Every time I walk outside I see its wonders.

• Music

o At all times there is a song playing in my head.

• Clothes

o The 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and the remakes that people wear today.